Saturday, January 29, 2011

Christmas closeups

During the holidays, we usually try to be grateful for our health. But this year, I was photographing for a medical magazine at one of the Boston area hospitals. And I saw how they tried to decorate and bring joy to those who were unfortunately spending their holidays in the hospital instead of cozy at home. But still, forget about the chaos and the shallow commercialism of gifts, and truly appreciate that you have the freedom to go outside, breathe fresh air, and you are not trapped in a hospital bed somewhere.

A Turning Point In a Woman's Life

I love this image I took at a recent wedding. It captures a tender moment between a father and his daughter just as he is about to walk her down the aisle. Even though I have photographed weddings for over 25 years I still blink back a tear when I see this moment. I remember how it felt to be a bride at that turning point in your life, when everything will be different from that time on. I wish I had my own father to have walked me down the aisle, but he had already passed away by then. I hope brides who still have their dad's do them this honor, appreciate having him, and how he must be feeling to give his little girl "away". It is a turning point really for each of them.

Fourth of July on Cape Cod

Fourth of July on Cape Cod usually means extended families get together, and share the joy of family time. Siblings enjoy adult comaraderie, catching up, and enjoying time spent together doing simple things like going to the beach, doing a puzzle, or laughing about old times. It is also such a pleasure to share the fun of cape cod summers with your children and see them bond with their cousins and grandparents, collect shells, eat fried clams, and icecream. It is also a great time to get a family portrait to remember these "good old days".

The Garden Center

Right now, during the throws of winter, when one snowstorm hits after another, it is nice to come across these pics I took at a garden center last spring. Just looking at them makes me feel like saying "ahhh!". The days are getting brighter, and spring is right around the corner!

Some Favorite Recent Images

While out doing beach portrait sessions all summer, it allows me to be at various Cape Cod Beaches at my favorite time of day, sunset. This is the "golden hour" when the light is incredible. Although I am there to photograph a family or high school senior, I often feel compelled to grab a quick shot of the beauty and magic of the moment.

Although most high school seniors from Cape Cod want to be photographed on the beach, I love when someone is willing to have theirs
in the beautiful foliage we have in New England. It is definitely my favorite

This beautiful trio is a mom with her two pretty daughters, but they
look like three sisters to me. They are one of my favorite families to photograph.

This little guy who is so full of joy and life is a sweet little boy who was
adopted here from Russia. I have been photographing him for three years now since he arrived. By far, his family has had the best Christmas card I
produce every year for clients.

Dream Trip to Italy

Everywhere you look are incredible fountains in town squares or piazzas. The sculpture is awe-inspiring. Italy is a place of indescribable beauty. This one is in Rome.

Florence in the heat of a hazy summer day in late July.

The Milan Cathedral is the most beautiful of all we saw in Italy.

As we arrived in Venice, this is the first thing we saw. Our gondolas patiently awaited us. I was waiting to see them for thirty years of dreaming and wishing. Finally this moment arrived. As I floated through the canals of Venice, I could barely see through my tears of joy!

This view of the Tuscan Hills was taken from the small town of San Giminiano. I had a painting like this hanging in my bedroom for many years, and I used to fall asleep looking at it, and dreaming of the day I would one day see it for myself. Now I can say I finally have. It was truly one of the best things I have done in my life! I recommend you go and see Italy for yourself. To see all of my images from this trip (or even purchase some) you can go to the link below:

or you can contact me at:

I have created an incredible coffee table book of the images, as well as an awesome Italy Calendar filled with the beauty of Italy.

Turning Fifty

Turning fifty years old makes you realize that you have lived a lot and gained a lot of experience in a half a century. You look back at what you have done and where you are headed. Have you made the best of your time on earth? Have you accomplished the goals you have had for yourself? Have you handled the twists and turns and ups and downs of life with grace? Can you feel proud that you have always done the right thing? For the week leading up to my momentous birthday in November of 2010, I pondered these things. But by the time the day came, I was at peace when I realized how great my life truly is. I have so much to be grateful for. With a loving and kind husband, three incredible and beautiful children, a sweet and funny little grandaughter, my health, and great career. I am truly blessed and fortunate. So thank you birthday, for making me see what I really have.