Saturday, January 29, 2011

Turning Fifty

Turning fifty years old makes you realize that you have lived a lot and gained a lot of experience in a half a century. You look back at what you have done and where you are headed. Have you made the best of your time on earth? Have you accomplished the goals you have had for yourself? Have you handled the twists and turns and ups and downs of life with grace? Can you feel proud that you have always done the right thing? For the week leading up to my momentous birthday in November of 2010, I pondered these things. But by the time the day came, I was at peace when I realized how great my life truly is. I have so much to be grateful for. With a loving and kind husband, three incredible and beautiful children, a sweet and funny little grandaughter, my health, and great career. I am truly blessed and fortunate. So thank you birthday, for making me see what I really have.

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