Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dream Trip to Italy

Everywhere you look are incredible fountains in town squares or piazzas. The sculpture is awe-inspiring. Italy is a place of indescribable beauty. This one is in Rome.

Florence in the heat of a hazy summer day in late July.

The Milan Cathedral is the most beautiful of all we saw in Italy.

As we arrived in Venice, this is the first thing we saw. Our gondolas patiently awaited us. I was waiting to see them for thirty years of dreaming and wishing. Finally this moment arrived. As I floated through the canals of Venice, I could barely see through my tears of joy!

This view of the Tuscan Hills was taken from the small town of San Giminiano. I had a painting like this hanging in my bedroom for many years, and I used to fall asleep looking at it, and dreaming of the day I would one day see it for myself. Now I can say I finally have. It was truly one of the best things I have done in my life! I recommend you go and see Italy for yourself. To see all of my images from this trip (or even purchase some) you can go to the link below:

or you can contact me at:

I have created an incredible coffee table book of the images, as well as an awesome Italy Calendar filled with the beauty of Italy.

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