Friday, October 24, 2008

Engagement Session at the Beach

After all the engagement sessions I do, I finally got a chance to do one for my son Wayne and his fiance Kristin. Here is a little music video of the session.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our Little Beauty

Last weekend our daughter Anastasia was in the National Jr. Miss Pageant in Boston. I'll admit, I was worried that it would be somewhere between the "Little Miss Sunshine" and the "Jon Benet" type pageants where the little girls look like baby dolls and act precocious. I relented to let her be in it after I researched it thoroughly, and I found out what this particular pageant was like. It is based on helping the girls be well-rounded individuals, who are capable of modeling on stage, but also displaying interviewing skills, public speaking and self-introductions, good grades, volunteerism, poise, confidence and more. (There was, to my great relief, no makeup allowed in the pageant at all for this age group.) Well, anyway, she made it out of hundreds of applicants to be one of the 57 State Finalists. Then those finalists spent the weekend in various workshops, participating in the events, and being judged in the various categories leading up to the finale.

On the final night, they awarded ten girls with roses on stage if they made the top ten, and Ana made it!! My husband and I almost fell off our chairs! She didn't make it to the to the 1st or 2nd runner up, or the "queen" (this time!). However, she did an amazing job and really rose to the occasion in every way!! She learned a lot, made a lot of friends and had a really great time. We are of course so proud of her! She is already planning what she will do next year. Here are some images from the fun weekend..

Waiting her turn to do the personal introduction on stage with a microphone, speaking to about 700 people. She told her name, her hometown, and her future ambition to be a fashion designer in New York City.

This is Ana being escorted on stage by her oldest brother who is looking very handsome in his Marine uniform. I got goosebumps...

She takes a circle turn on stage to show her gown and grace in front of the judges, while he holds a bouquet of roses for her behind his back.

This is Ana doing a spunky runway modeling of casual wear fashion. She wore a tunic with leggings, along with a green bracelet and sunglasses.

This is one of the three trophies she received. This is the portfolio award for the Miss Photogenic contest. She won 4th runner up for this category.

This is the Pageant host saying goodbye to last years winner while the top ten girls in the finale await their fates. Ana is fourth from the right.

My little princess with the sparkling smile.

Besides the educational part of it, there was a pajama dance party the girls LOVED, & swimming in the indoor and outdoor pool. Many thanks again to all those who sponsored her, (your names were all in the program book too).


Handsome Groomsmen

Often at weddings it is easy to focus on the beauty of the bride and the pretty bridesmaids, of course. But I also like to pay good attention to the groom and his ushers. Wedding photography today blends the traditional portraits with a more documentary fashion style. Here is an example of some good-looking guys from this summer's weddings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Recent Paintings

Here are three recent paintings I have done this week. Just wanted to share them with you.
This lovely lady just had her 80th Birthday, and she celebrated by wearing her red shoes to
her family portrait session. I couldn't resist such a beautiful subject. Here it is in full length, and
then a closer up detail so you can see the brush strokes better.

Baby Rochelle- Before Painting Baby Rochelle- After Painting

Our Latest Ad in the Yellow Pages

This is our latest ad in the Yellow Pages. Photographers are often asked to be in the books,
but there are so many now, some that cover individual towns, some that cover 2 or 3 towns in a region, some that cover the whole Cape. But nowadays, do you still use them? Or do you search for businesses over the internet instead now? I am curious as a small business owner if my clients still use this method or if its worth advertising here anymore. Let me know your opinion.


How do we feel about Cape Cod in summer?? Having some fun at the end of a session, all the kids get ready to jump in.....

Grandmother's Garden

I just recently did a family portrait at 10:30 am on a Saturday morning, which is generally unheard of. Why? Because 98% of the time people want to only do their family portrait at the beach, which means we have to shoot it at sunset around 7:30 pm. But this family chose to do theirs in the special garden of the family Matriarch. This location had special meaning to them since this was where mom/grandma spent a lot of her time, and the final family portrait was a birthday gift for her. How wonderful to have her family AND her treasured garden in one wall portrait that she can enjoy year round! Here are a few images from the session...

Meet Rusty!

This is Rusty, my son's recently adopted puppy. He is part boxer, part lab mix. As you can see he is very handsome! He was rescued from a kill-shelter in North Carolina, but was brought up here to my son and his fiance. He has the sweetest disposition, and visits me often. So you may meet him sometime if you come by the studio.

Sandwich Firefighters

I strongly believe in giving back to the community in which you live and do business. So, about five years ago I photographed the entire Sandwich Fire Department, both in their formal dress uniforms and some fun ones with their gear on with the firetruck and equipment. I had a lot of fun doing it, and donated a free 8x10 to each firefighter to give to their spouse or mother. What a great group! I also photographed the Chief, Dennis Newman, at the time and a large wall portrait of him hung proudly in Town Hall.

Well, recently I was asked to come back again in order to photograph all the recently hired, and of course, the new Chief, George Russell. So here are a few of the images from that session. At the end, some of the older guys wanted to "initiate" the new guys into the group by squirting them with the fire hose at the end of the photo shoot. They took it with a great sense of humor, don't you think? I elected to stand waaaay back for that shot though....

One thing that I found really impressive was that several of the guys I met previously now had their sons join them on the department, so I was fortunate enough to photograph some father/son portraits too.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Great Olan Mills Photos from the 70's

Is that a dead animal carcass behind her?

The library background would be more believable if it didn't slope downward.

The plantation looks more realistic with the addition of this column. Right?

My husband sent me this link that was the "list of the day"on a website. It features some hilarious photos taken at an Olan Mills studio in the 70's.

Remember the old wagon wheel, or library backgrounds? Or maybe you know someone who had the famous Dorothy Hamill haircut,a Billy Ray Cyrus mullet, or the long hair with "wings". Click on this link for more chuckles.

On some I laughed so hard, not at them, but with them. Partly because I got my start working for Olan Mills in the early days of my career (1986). I remember being trained to use those props you see above. I have come a long way since then, thank goodness.

Let me know what you think. Do you have any funny, quirky family photos from the past with you wearing some outfit or hairstyle that was the hippest, coolest thing at the time??? I know I do. If you show it to me, you will get $50 off a future session. But don't worry, I won't post it. :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Stark Wedding

A gorgeous bride, a loving couple, a wonderful spring day, at my favorite church and my favorite wedding venue-The Coonamessett Inn, and even with my favorite DJ-Danny Walsh. It just doesn't get any better than this! This is the kind of day I just LOVE my job. Thanks Sara & Tom, and to your families, for allowing me to capture your magical day. I consider it an honor... Enjoy this little video while waiting for the rest of the photos to come online in a day or two.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Restore Old Photos 6/08

I have a special place in my heart for old antique photos. I feel a connection to the photographers of yesteryear, and find it endearing that they were photographing families, newlyweds, babies, and everything photographers of the digital revolution do today. I find it fascinating to look at their backgrounds, and studio props, the names & locations of the studios, and most of all their subjects. I love to hear from my clients what they know of their ancestor and who they were.
I collect them now, and often buy them when I am at flea markets and antique stores. They are not my ancestors, but they all become my family now that I have become their caretaker. Not surprising then that I LOVE to restore old photographs. I go in and correct cracks or damage, and can make a new print (or prints) for you in any size, while still preserving the original. Do you have a loved one that you would like to have "restored"?? If so, email me for a quote at If you mention you saw this in the blog, I will give you one extra 5x7 as my gift!!

First Communion - June 08

It's that magical time of year again when many special ceremonies such as first communions, graduations, Bar& Bat Mitzvahs, and Mother's Day and Father's Day, create a reason to get together with our families.
It provides a great opportunity of course for photos too. Here are three little cuties that I did First Communion Portraits for in the past week. If you know of anyone who is going to be celebrating a special event or occasion, we offer gift certificates for sessions or prints. If you mention this blog you will get 10 free photo thank you cards printed on watercolor paper.

This last pretty girl, Shea, has been photographed by me before and was featured with her older sister Brianne in my art show last summer.
They are both avid dancers in ballet, and so the portrait painted of the two of them reflected their love to
dance, and for each other. It has an artistic influence of Matisse's well-known joyful painting, The Dance. I love that!

Spring is Here! 5/08

Spring is here, and on the Cape it is usually brief. So lets enjoy it before the Cicadas arrive! What's a Cicada? Well it is my understanding that they are a beetle or locust-type bug that
when fully grown ends up being the size of an adult human's big toe! I guess they come every 17 years, and stay for about 3 weeks. I wasn't here on Cape Cod the last time they were here, but I have heard some wild stories. I have many friends who
are not opening their pools for another month or so until they pass. We have seen some of their casings stuck to our cars, so they are almost here in Sandwich. I'll post a photo soon once they are all here. Wonder how that will affect outdoor weddings???

Bad Videographers!!!


Well, when you have done weddings for twenty years you have pretty much seen & dealt with everything. Mostly it is a joy and an honor every time I go. I LOVE weddings, and often feel very close to my couples, and their families, and they often become lifelong clients. However, occasionally I have to work with someone who is so counter to the unobtrusive way that I work, that it is really frustrating.
I had a case at this wedding, where there was a video team, that were shooting constantly from literally 2-3 feet from their face the whole time, therefore blocking the view of all the guests, parents, and any of my shots as well. No matter where I stood or turned, there were always these two guys flanking the bride & groom at every moment. Take a look at this and see if you agree with me. Needless to say these are not videographers that are members of group, whom I do recommend. I have blocked the faces out of the very lovely bride and groom to protect the innocent. But I really do not understand why these "professional" videographers would need to be this close, and "in your face". Do you? Can't be flattering.

Well anyway, finally I decided to amuse myself by photographing them in the photos too. There are more, but you get the idea. Okay, thanks for listening to my rant. I feel better now....

Dog Paintings May 08

Did you know that in addition to photographic portraits, I can also paint them? Did you also know that your loved ones portraits don't just have to be of the human variety, but of your other cherished member of the family?? Here is a recent portrait I did of my friend Casey's two dogs.
There are some other dog portraits here too, while I am at it....

If you have a pet that you would love to have a portrait of, call Mrs. T today at (508)539-8134 to set up your session. You will get $15 off your session, and a free doggy treat for your friend if you mention that you saw this in the blog.