Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Great Olan Mills Photos from the 70's

Is that a dead animal carcass behind her?

The library background would be more believable if it didn't slope downward.

The plantation looks more realistic with the addition of this column. Right?

My husband sent me this link that was the "list of the day"on a website. It features some hilarious photos taken at an Olan Mills studio in the 70's.

Remember the old wagon wheel, or library backgrounds? Or maybe you know someone who had the famous Dorothy Hamill haircut,a Billy Ray Cyrus mullet, or the long hair with "wings". Click on this link for more chuckles.

On some I laughed so hard, not at them, but with them. Partly because I got my start working for Olan Mills in the early days of my career (1986). I remember being trained to use those props you see above. I have come a long way since then, thank goodness.

Let me know what you think. Do you have any funny, quirky family photos from the past with you wearing some outfit or hairstyle that was the hippest, coolest thing at the time??? I know I do. If you show it to me, you will get $50 off a future session. But don't worry, I won't post it. :)

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