Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Women's Winter Weekend 1/08

Okay, so if you have not gone away for the weekend with your girlfriends yet, you've GOT to do it!
What a blast! A group of women photographers from the Cape went away together to New Hampshire, near Loon Mountain. I didn't ski, but we did go Snowshoeing on a trail. It was so peaceful and hushed in the woods. Not a sound could be heard except the crunch, crunch of our snowshoes in the snow. Some of the group caught sight of a baby moose.
We also cooked all the meals together, played games, laughed til we cried, and we watched the movie "Waitress". Made us hungry for pies, and we made a date to get together and make one together in the future.....

I recorded the beautiful sight and sound of a trickling mountain stream on my camera.
Here it is. Just like a soothing bedtime cd:

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