Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Make Your Own CD/Album Cover 5/08

One of my photographer girlfriends had this on her blog, and it was so much fun I had to share it with you. What you do is create your own album cover, but it is all done randomly. You go to one site for the image, one site for the album name, and one site for the artist's name. You end up with your pretend cd cover for your fake band. Its weird that these Egyptians sculptures showed up to me out of all the millions of possibilities, since I visit them often at the Museum of Fine Arts. Weird huh? I liked doing it so much, I had the other two members of the family do one too. Here is mine on the right.

Here is how you can do it:
(Warning! Its fun & addictive!)

The name of your band will be showing up after using this link:
Your album name will be the last four words from the last quote on
that side here

The third pict
ure here will be your album cover:
Put them all together to creat
e your cover, and send it to me and I will post it, or you can email it to me at Enjoy!

Here is my daughter Ana's cover, followed by my husband a/k/a Mr. T:

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