Wednesday, June 4, 2008

World's Largest Snow Woman 2/08

We went up to Mt. Abrahm in Maine to ski over a February weekend.
We saw the World's Largest Snow Woman, which was made as a tourist attraction in Bethel, Maine. Indeed, it was HUGE!!! It stood about 10-12 stories tall, was made with 13,000,000 lbs. of snow (!!), has 5-foot wreaths as eyes, real skis for eyelashes, 5 foot tractor tire buttons, and christmas trees for arms!! You really don't get a sense of the scale, until you stand beside it.
It was really great! Last year they had the largest Snow Man, so this year it was the Woman. If
you get a chance, drop by and see it. Its free, and its something you won't forget....

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