Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I Love New York in the Springtime! April 08

In April, I had an awesome photo shoot with a fun engaged couple in New York's Central Park. It was a perfect spring day, and we had a great session. Great job Christine & Darcy- you were fabulous and I can't wait for the wedding!

I brought my husband and daughter with me to the City, and we stayed a few days. We saw the Statue of Liberty from the Circle Line Ferry. We visited The Cloisters, a monastery turned into a museum with fabulous Medieval Art work, as well as the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We ate in Little Italy. We watched one of my husband's favorite music students, Frankie Cogliano, play jazz in a coffee house in SoHo. We visited Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Of course, the part my daughter remembers most is the 5-story M&M Store (thats right- 5 floors of m&m products), the American Girl Doll store and luncheon, & the giant Toys-R-Us. Take a look at our New York slide show below to see Mrs. T's view of NYC!!!

Mrs. T's Music Video of NYC:

Christine & Darcy's Engagement Session in Central Park:

1 comment:

m. said...

Oh! I wanna go to New York!!