Wednesday, June 4, 2008

American Girl Doll Fashion Show & Tea

If you have a daughter between the ages of 3 and 12 then she probably has at least one American Girl Doll. They have dolls for different times in history, along with the books about their lives, and the clothing and items from that time period. Some are from the Revolutionary War period, one is from the Prairie/old west, one is from the turn-of-the century, etc. Boy did I feel old when they recently created one, "Julie", who is from The 70's. Well, anyway, there was recently a Fashion Show and Tea held at a hotel in Boston, for Mothers, Daughters, and their dolls of course. It was great fun. I went with another photographer mom and her daughter (Sarah Thornington & Adriana). We had lots of fun! We also spent the night in town at a fabulous hotel that was chi-chi and extra fancy for the girls. It had leopard rugs and robes, and fur blankets, and best of all it was attached to the Cambridge Galleria Mall. The hotel is very european contemporary in design, The Hotel Marlowe, and I recommend it highly!

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