Friday, November 30, 2007

Studio Redone

We just wanted to upgrade my desk in the studio............but you know how it goes.
One project leads to more and more. Well, the new cherry desk needed a hutch to hold all the extra papers & then of course a new file cabinet to hold the printer. Then my assistant's desk wouldn't match so we got one for her too. Well then the new furniture doesn't look right with the old walls, so we had to repaint the room, and the bathroom, etc. etc. Does this ever happen to you? What a mess it was, but now its all worth it! The new space looks and feels great. The new color really makes the images pop off the walls. And it feels calmer with less clutter. Of course, now I am looking for a new loveseat...and drapes.... What do you think? Got the cherry office furniture at Staples online, and it was FREE shipping, thank goodness, because it weighed a ton!

Great Book! 11/07

Just wanted to recommend a really great book I recently read called
"The Mayflower" by Nathaniel Philbrick. He is an author/historian who lives on Marthas Vineyard and was researching the Wampanoag tribe there, when he decided to trace all the way back to their history with the Pilgrims. Wow! It is fascinating, and fills in a lot of gaps and corrects a lot of myths we have learned about both the Pilgrims and the Indians then. And the coolest thing is that it mentions many of the areas on Cape Cod, and surrounding areas of Plymouth, and Middleborough, and Rhode Island. Most of these sites or historical markers he speaks of are still there for you to discover. After reading the book, I happened along Route 6A one day, and came across a marker that showed the area where a pilgrim-friendly Wampanoag village was located, whose young and handsome chief Iyanough had died. Sound familiar? They said Iyanough is where the name Hyannis & Wianno come from. Anyway, if you are a history buff like me, it is a fascinating read.

Marine Birthday Ball 11/07

This is the third year now, that I have had the honor of photographing the annual Marine Corp. Birthday Ball which is held in November. This is a special formal occasion, complete with a ceremonial cake which is fed to the oldest Marine in attendance, and then to the youngest, to symbolize the passing of the torch. It is very special to be able to photograph all the handsome uniformed young men, and their beautiful dates in gowns. My own son and his fiance are in attendance, and I proudly watch him carry the American Flag for the ceremonies. Most in this unit have already been to Iraq, but some newer ones are scheduled to go soon, just after Christmas. My heart aches for their mothers, as I know what they will go through when they are gone. Watching CNN, hoping to catch a glimpse, praying every moment of the day that he was okay. I would wake up in the mornings with little curved cuts in the palms of my hands, because I was so anxious I would sleep with my fists clenched and my fingernails would gouge into my palms. It was the toughest year of my life.

But now, two years later, he is here dancing at this ball, with his lovely fiance in her pretty red gown. He is looking forward to marrying her in a year and a half. Lets hope this new group of 18 and 19 year old boys comes back home to their moms too. All I want for Christmas if for this war to end, and all the troops to return home where they belong. Peace!

P.S. Do you know a local family with a loved one about to be deployed?? Mrs. T will give them a free family portrait session before they go. Just have them give the studio a call.

President, Me? 9/07

I have been vice president of a professional trade association for a year now, and on the board for two years before that. I thought I had another year before I moved up, but to my surprise the old president had to step down, so I became President of The Professional Photographers of Cape Cod ( now. Well, I am excited for the opportunity. It is a really great association, with a group of photographers who help and support one another in business. Many trades aren't as willing to help their competitors, but fortunately we are friendly competitors. We often have speakers, some about photography, and some about other areas of running a business. If you know of a good speaker, let me know. We now have our monthly meetings at the Hyannis Golf Club ( and it is a great room if you ever need a nice bright airy meeting space, or place for a party. I recommend it!

My Garden Party Art Show 8/07

Above Event Photos provided by Dianne Marshall

In addition to photographing portraits, I also can paint them. This August I was finally able to have an exhibit of my paintings for clients and friends. We had it in the garden for about 50 people, with great food, and live jazz music playing. It was very exciting because the subjects in the paintings had not seen them yet, so it was a complete surprise to them when they were "unveiled" to everyone. I had chosen some beautiful children of deserving moms that give to the community, such as the head of the PTA, and other volunteers.

Here are some other images from the show too.

My theme for this self-assignment was to paint in the style of John Singer Sargent, one of my favorite artists. Here are a few examples. What is your favorite???

Next year I plan to do another show, with the theme of Norman Rockwell. Do you know someone who would be a great subject for that? If so, email me at If you would like to book a session to have a painted portrait done of someone you love, call the studio today to book it (508)539-8134.
I promise you will cherish this for the rest of your life, and it will grow in value over the years as it becomes a family heirloom.

Hammock 7/07

There's a hammock in my backyard, that I bought two years ago, and I have actually never been in it. There is always so much to do, especially in summer since it is the busy season. Sometimes while fervently working away on the computer, editing wedding or family portrait images, I look out the window at that hammock and think longingly "someday.......". As a business owner, and a mom, there is always work to do, calls to return, rooms to clean, a kid to bathe, laundry to fold, and millions of other projects awaiting my attention. I never allow myself time to just goof off. I would feel too guilty. But I know I must work on that to cut my stress levels down. Maybe right after I walk the dog, pay the bills, make the dinner, and take my daughter to karate lessons....

I am the Mother of the Groom 6/07

Well I have been a professional photographer since I was 22, and back then I was the age of the bride. Now, over twenty years later, I am the age of the bride and groom's parents. Now this year I have had the pleasure of actually having my own son Zack get married. I say pleasure, because it was magical and romantic, and I have dreamed of my children's weddings for many years since I am in the business. Everyone asks who did the photos for OUR wedding, and the truth is we had a table of seven of my photographer friends there as guests who all brought their cameras. So we had seven unique points of view, and got some fantastic images. But at one point during the ceremony I had to chuckle because it was like the paparazzi was there, popping out of the bushes, behind trees, in the front, and in the back. It was really quite funny. My son and his bride are very close to their dogs, a pit bull "couple" named Louie & Kaya who also attended and took place in the ceremony. The best part was that people blew bubbles during the outside ceremony, and when one photographer (Mark O'Connell) took the shot it captured little rainbows in each bubble. Here it is, what do you think? The main photographer was long-time friend Denise Passaretti, whose own son is getting married in Sept. 08, and I will be his wedding photographer. Here is one of Denise's images of my "kids" and the dogs.

Brownies 5/07

Well, I have been the leader of my daughter's Brownie Troop for two years and it has been so much fun. Now it is time to hand over the reins to some other capable moms, since my schedule makes it so difficult to fit in all the behind the scenes planning and prepping it requires. However, as my last act as leader we went on a Mother/Daughter overnite camping trip nearby at Camp Lyndon. About 16 girls and their moms stayed in four rustic cabins. We all had a wonderful bonding time together.

Boston Marathon 4/07

In April, I had the thrill of photographing the famous Boston Marathon. I was fortunate to have unlimited access, and could go to the finish line
as well as photographing in all the medical tents. My job was to record
the vast team of medical professionals, doctors, nurses, EMT's, etc. who volunteer for the day to process hundreds of patients. It is an amazing operation, and the logistics are staggering. I witnessed many wonderful sights that day, some of kindness, some of courage or bravery. One thing I saw that made my jaw drop. A unit of Marines, wearing full packs, and combat uniforms, ran through in a straight line. Since my own son is a Marine, (who served in Iraq, and is thankfully home safe now) this really touched my heart.

Went to Ireland 2/07

Went to Ireland on tour with the sixteen piece Big Band that my husband
Andy plays in ( Turns out that all of Europe, including Ireland, is crazy about American Jazz music. So they did a tour there for a week, and I was their official photographer. We mostly stayed in Dublin, which was a beautiful old-world city with majestic buildings. I was very surprised that Ireland was so wealthy as a country. I had always pictured it to be quaint little thatched cottages in poor little rural villages. But there has been a huge upswing in their country's economy (dubbed the "Celtic Tiger"), and many of the residents are becoming very wealthy. Fortunately, we went to an ancient monastery, and visited some old towns too. Here are some images from the trip.

January 07

Went to visit New York City with my husband, and we got to spend the whole day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was breathtaking. Since my background is in Fine Art, and I loved and tutored Art History
in college, you can imagine how much fun it was for me. I still teach Art History to three classes in Sandwich as a volunteer. But anyway, we also did everything else we could that was "New York". We ate lunch at a real NY deli, and the sandwich was about 8 inches tall! (More lunchmeat than you would eat in two months for goodness sake!) We also went to a Broadway show,then went to Lindy's for cheesecake dessert. Then we went to a very cool jazz club late at night. This my husband loved, since he is a jazz musician (guitarist) himself in a big band. ( We had such a blast, and fit a lot in for such a short visit. I recommend taking the train like we did, so you can just sit back and relax and it drops you right into Times Square where all the action is.

Best of 2007

Hello My Friends. Well, I have been thinking about doing a blog for a couple of years and finally here it is. It was much easier to do than I thought. I look forward to telling you some of the great things that have happened this year at the studio, and in my life. Hope you enjoy what I share with you, and you can get to know me more personally.