Friday, November 30, 2007

Marine Birthday Ball 11/07

This is the third year now, that I have had the honor of photographing the annual Marine Corp. Birthday Ball which is held in November. This is a special formal occasion, complete with a ceremonial cake which is fed to the oldest Marine in attendance, and then to the youngest, to symbolize the passing of the torch. It is very special to be able to photograph all the handsome uniformed young men, and their beautiful dates in gowns. My own son and his fiance are in attendance, and I proudly watch him carry the American Flag for the ceremonies. Most in this unit have already been to Iraq, but some newer ones are scheduled to go soon, just after Christmas. My heart aches for their mothers, as I know what they will go through when they are gone. Watching CNN, hoping to catch a glimpse, praying every moment of the day that he was okay. I would wake up in the mornings with little curved cuts in the palms of my hands, because I was so anxious I would sleep with my fists clenched and my fingernails would gouge into my palms. It was the toughest year of my life.

But now, two years later, he is here dancing at this ball, with his lovely fiance in her pretty red gown. He is looking forward to marrying her in a year and a half. Lets hope this new group of 18 and 19 year old boys comes back home to their moms too. All I want for Christmas if for this war to end, and all the troops to return home where they belong. Peace!

P.S. Do you know a local family with a loved one about to be deployed?? Mrs. T will give them a free family portrait session before they go. Just have them give the studio a call.

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