Friday, November 30, 2007

I am the Mother of the Groom 6/07

Well I have been a professional photographer since I was 22, and back then I was the age of the bride. Now, over twenty years later, I am the age of the bride and groom's parents. Now this year I have had the pleasure of actually having my own son Zack get married. I say pleasure, because it was magical and romantic, and I have dreamed of my children's weddings for many years since I am in the business. Everyone asks who did the photos for OUR wedding, and the truth is we had a table of seven of my photographer friends there as guests who all brought their cameras. So we had seven unique points of view, and got some fantastic images. But at one point during the ceremony I had to chuckle because it was like the paparazzi was there, popping out of the bushes, behind trees, in the front, and in the back. It was really quite funny. My son and his bride are very close to their dogs, a pit bull "couple" named Louie & Kaya who also attended and took place in the ceremony. The best part was that people blew bubbles during the outside ceremony, and when one photographer (Mark O'Connell) took the shot it captured little rainbows in each bubble. Here it is, what do you think? The main photographer was long-time friend Denise Passaretti, whose own son is getting married in Sept. 08, and I will be his wedding photographer. Here is one of Denise's images of my "kids" and the dogs.

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