Friday, November 30, 2007

Studio Redone

We just wanted to upgrade my desk in the studio............but you know how it goes.
One project leads to more and more. Well, the new cherry desk needed a hutch to hold all the extra papers & then of course a new file cabinet to hold the printer. Then my assistant's desk wouldn't match so we got one for her too. Well then the new furniture doesn't look right with the old walls, so we had to repaint the room, and the bathroom, etc. etc. Does this ever happen to you? What a mess it was, but now its all worth it! The new space looks and feels great. The new color really makes the images pop off the walls. And it feels calmer with less clutter. Of course, now I am looking for a new loveseat...and drapes.... What do you think? Got the cherry office furniture at Staples online, and it was FREE shipping, thank goodness, because it weighed a ton!

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