Friday, November 30, 2007

Hammock 7/07

There's a hammock in my backyard, that I bought two years ago, and I have actually never been in it. There is always so much to do, especially in summer since it is the busy season. Sometimes while fervently working away on the computer, editing wedding or family portrait images, I look out the window at that hammock and think longingly "someday.......". As a business owner, and a mom, there is always work to do, calls to return, rooms to clean, a kid to bathe, laundry to fold, and millions of other projects awaiting my attention. I never allow myself time to just goof off. I would feel too guilty. But I know I must work on that to cut my stress levels down. Maybe right after I walk the dog, pay the bills, make the dinner, and take my daughter to karate lessons....

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