Friday, November 30, 2007

January 07

Went to visit New York City with my husband, and we got to spend the whole day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was breathtaking. Since my background is in Fine Art, and I loved and tutored Art History
in college, you can imagine how much fun it was for me. I still teach Art History to three classes in Sandwich as a volunteer. But anyway, we also did everything else we could that was "New York". We ate lunch at a real NY deli, and the sandwich was about 8 inches tall! (More lunchmeat than you would eat in two months for goodness sake!) We also went to a Broadway show,then went to Lindy's for cheesecake dessert. Then we went to a very cool jazz club late at night. This my husband loved, since he is a jazz musician (guitarist) himself in a big band. ( We had such a blast, and fit a lot in for such a short visit. I recommend taking the train like we did, so you can just sit back and relax and it drops you right into Times Square where all the action is.

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