Friday, November 30, 2007

President, Me? 9/07

I have been vice president of a professional trade association for a year now, and on the board for two years before that. I thought I had another year before I moved up, but to my surprise the old president had to step down, so I became President of The Professional Photographers of Cape Cod ( now. Well, I am excited for the opportunity. It is a really great association, with a group of photographers who help and support one another in business. Many trades aren't as willing to help their competitors, but fortunately we are friendly competitors. We often have speakers, some about photography, and some about other areas of running a business. If you know of a good speaker, let me know. We now have our monthly meetings at the Hyannis Golf Club ( and it is a great room if you ever need a nice bright airy meeting space, or place for a party. I recommend it!

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